Getting started with the Raspberry Pi
Now that I’ve got my Raspberry Pi and I’ve had a chance to sample the various flavours of operating system that are available for download on the Raspberry Pi website I’ve decided to settle with Debian Squeeze for the time being as it appears to be the most stable and feature rich operating system available.
Yesterday I was a bit practical and made a little case for my Raspberry Pi based upon the Punnet case
I’ve just spent the morning getting WiFi working on the unit as I have a rather neat and tiny USB dongle that complements the board well.
There is a lot of information on the Internet for the Raspberry Pi; a lot of questions from people just getting to grips with the new hardware and a lot of good answers. Problem is that there is tons of it. I will be using this blog to document my experiences with the Raspberry Pi, referring to the pages that I found to be most helpful. I’m doing this totally for my benefit at the moment (I’m doing R&D on the board for use at work) but thought I’d open up my notes to the community just in case someone else finds them useful.
I will be dealing with subjects such as compiling your own kernel and the intricacies of RISC machine code, but I’ve started it off with my notes on getting the WiFi dongle working.