You are free to use this code under the terms of this MIT license. Comments and suggestions are welcome, and it is available for download from this repository.
If you do find this code useful, and wish to contribute, then feel free to buy me a ko-fi.
The code is generally written with readability in mind rather than performance, unless performance is the goal, such as the scroll routine.
The demos are in the following directory structure:
- .vscode
- launch.json – configuration file for the run / debug functionality in Visual Studio Code
- tasks.json – configuration file for the build task in Visual Studio Code
- Demo
- demo_scroll.z80 – a flicker and tear free 25fps tiled map vertical scroller with sprites
- demo_sprites.z80 – rudimentary sprite routine that demonstrates pre-shifted sprites
- demo_vector.z80 – demo for the vector graphics library
- demo_3d.z80 – rudimentary 3D engine that demonstrates the filled vector graphics library
- Lib
You can see these demos running in a JavaScript Spectrum emulator here
Compile the relevant demo from the Demo directory; the demo will then include required library files from the Lib directory.
Compilation Instructions
- Install and configure your toolchain (see this page for more details)
- Download lib-spectrum from github
- Start ZEsarUX from its application folder
- Open the folder Break Into Program / ZX Spectrum in Visual Studio Code
- Open a source file (i.e. demo_scroll.z80) from the Demo folder
- Select Terminal > Run Build Task from the top menu of Visual Studio Code.
- The file opened for edit in Visual Studio Code is the one built out.
- The code should compile with no errors and create a SNA file in the same folder as the source file. It will also create a LST file for the debugger.
- Select Debug > Run Without Debugging from the top menu of Visual Studio Code.
- The created SNA file will be sent to ZEsarUX and should start running.